Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Onward through the fog

Today I feel engulfed in a dense moist fog and it's dragging me down. So many things are dragging me down this week. Not just today, too many decisions to make. To many options available to me. Or is there? When God is leading your heart the other options don't hold much weight - or at least you they shouldn't. But sadly as human beings we have a difficult time letting God guide our paths. Our brain always try and take over - our intellect can be a dangerous commodity. Isn't funny when you think about it. Our God-given intellect is often the part of us that fights our God-given pathways the most. Irony in that thought -

Today, I am struggling. Struggling with which path to take and when to take it. Struggling with passed events that have greatly affected my thought process. I don't like it when I feel so disjointed and scattered. I much prefer the feeling of peaceful that God allows in my heart. For this moment I remain frustrated, however I know that if I continue to pursue the Lord my frustration will subside.

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